Jewish Settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 1967 to 1989, 482-556
Consequences of the settlement policy on the local population, 493
Establishment of settlements are War Crimes, 536-539
Existence of deliberate Israeli policy of settlement and annexation:, 494-532
Statements of Israeli cabinet ministers and other officials that their objective is annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, 494-532
Expulsion of Palestinians and establishing Jewish settlements, 486-492
Gush Emunim, 494-532
Impact of the settlement policy and its consequences on the search for peace, 493
International law applicable to military occupation, 536-539
Israeli plan to occupy West Bank and Gaza, 481
Israeli plan to settle and annex the West Bank and Gaza, 481-482
Israeli settlements and the Arab locations on which they were established, 553-555
Jerusalem, first victim of annexation and settlement, 482-486
Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, 532-534
Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, list, 540-550
Khatib, Ruhi Al-, Mayor of Jerusalem, in testimony about the usurpation of Palestinian properties, 485-486
Mekorot Water Company used to usurp Palestinian water resources, 513
Military occupation, international law applicable to, 536-539
Object of Jewish settlements is to usurp all of the West Bank and Gaza for good, 494, 501-503, 506-507, 518
Owners of Palestinian lands usurped for Jewish settlements, list of, 541-553
Property owned by villages and individuals usurped for Jewish settlements, 541-553
Report of Security Council Commission about establishment of Jewish settlements, 486-493
>Reports of United Nations Special Committee about the establishment of Jewish settlements, 494-532:
1980, 494-498
1981, 498-506
1982, 506-512
1983, 512-518
1984, 518-521
1985, 521-524
1986, 524-528
1987, 528-529
1988, 529-530
1989, 530-532
Security Council Commission, conclusions of, 492-493
Security Council Commission established 1979 to investigate Israeli settlements, 486
Security Council Commission, recommendations of, 493
Settlements, Jewish, in the West Bank and Gaza 1967-1989, (see also Jewish Settlements), 540-555
Total number of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, 555
United Nations and its members responsible for prosecuting War Criminals, 539
United Nations condemns confiscation of Palestinia land, (see also United Nations condemns establishment of Jewish settlements), 534-536
United Nations condemns establishment of Jewish settlements, 534-536
Usurpation of Palestinian water, 513
Usurped Palestinian lands for Jewish settlements, list of owners, 541-553
War Crimes, establishment of settlements are, 536-539
Water, Palestinian, usurpation of, 513
World Zionist Organization (Jewish Agency) objective in establishing settlements, 494
Zaru, Nadim S., Mayor of Ramallah, in testimony about the usurpation of Palestinian properties, 486-487
Jewish Settler Terrorism Against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, (see Settler Terrorism Against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza), 705-734
Jews, Zionist Crimes Against (see Zionist Crimes Against Jews), 869-881
Lebanon, Israeli War Crimes Committed in, 789-818
Admissions by Israeli leaders about Israeli War Crimes in Lebanon, 1982: 801-804
Ariel Sharon, "The word revenge also appeared in discussions among us and the Phalangists," 802
Col. Dov Yermiya, "Israeli Army's indifference has taken on monstrous proportions.. ," 803
Col. Meir Peil, "Solution lies in partitioning Lebanon," 802
Col. Mordechai Bar-On, "War's central aim to deal crushing blow to Palestinians and their very existence as a nation," 802
Col. Yuval Ne'eman, "Israel could integrate south of Litani into development plans," 802
Dr. Haim Gordon, IDF educational officer, "Prisoners at Ansar concentration camp not permitted to leave tents..," 802
Gen. Aharon Yariv, "I know in fact that going to Beirut was included in original military plan," 802
Gen. Amir Drori, "I have coordinated the entry of Phalangists into the camps with their top men," 802
Gen. Menachem Meron, "High percentage of cluster bombs do not explode," 802
Gen. Mordekhai Gur, "I had four villages in Lebanon bombed without making distinctions between civilians and noncivilians," 802
Gen. Rafael Eitan predicted, "The outbreak of acts of revenge.. ," 802
Gen. Yaakov Even, "We are the aggressors," 802
Lt. Ave Gabowski, "I saw Phalangists killing civilians," 802
Lt. Col. David Halevy, "IDF officers and Defense Ministry had broad knowledge regarding Phalangist atrocities," 802
Shimon Peres, "Lebanon will remain divided," 802
Yitshak Rabin, "Mercenaries serve in the South Lebanese Army," 802
Ben-Gurion and Dayan architects of conspiracy against Lebanon in 1951 and 1954, 789
Conspiracy against Lebanon, 789-790
Ariel Sharon confirms Mossad in charge of Lebanon relations, 789
Moshe Sharett confirms Ben-Gurion and Dayan conspired against Lebanon in 1951 and 1954, 789
World Zionist Organization publishes plans for Lebanon, 789
Yitshak Rabin personally directed intervention in Lebanon, 789
Destruction in Lebanon during 1978 war, 792-793
Examples of mass destruction, massacres, homelessness and torture caused by the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, 797-799
Concentration camps, 797
Massacres, 799
Systematic destruction of houses, 798-799
Torture, 797
Use of cluster bombs, 798
Wanton bombing, 798-799
Genocide, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 37/123D of 16 December, 1982, resolved that the massacre of Sabra and Shatila was an act of Genocide, 808
Habakkuk, Prophet, said, "For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee," 795
Houses destroyed in 1978 war: 50,000 houses destroyed and 285,000 people made homeless, 792
International Commission of Inquiry composed of 25 eminent world figures and jurists from the United Kingdom, India, Sweden, Greece, Senegal, Portugal, Finland, Belgium, U.S.S.R., United States of America, Sri Lanka, France, Cuba, Bulgaria, and Hungary condemns Israel, 811-816
International Commission of Inquiry's conclusions that Israel committed following crimes: 813-815
Crimes Against Humanity, 814
Crimes Against Peace, 813-814
Denying right of Palestinians to self-determination, 815
United States of American accomplice to Israeli crimes, 815
War Crimes against the civilian population, 814-815
International Commission of Jurists condemning Israel composed of: 809
Dean Kader Asmal
Professor Brian Bercusson
Professor Geraud de la Pradelle
Professor Richard Falk
Professor Stefan Wild
Sean MacBride, SC
International Commission of Jurists conclusions, 809-811
Destruction of towns, cities, villages and refugee camps, 810, 811
Israel committed acts of aggression, 809, 811
Israeli forces dispersed, deported, and ill-treated civilian populations, 810, 811
Israeli forces used weapons and methods forbidden by international law, 810, 811
Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners tortured, 810, 811
Reckless bombardment of civilian targets, 810, 811
International Commission of Jurists condemns Israel for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, 809-811
Invasion of Lebanon in 1982, 795
Israeli Crimes against Lebanon in 1948-1978, 790-792
Destroying houses, 790-791
Hi-jacking airplanes, 790
Kidnappings, 790-791
Massacres, 790-792
Shelling and bombing, 790-792
Israeli Crimes against Lebanon in 1978-1982, 793-795
Massacres, 793-795
Mossad blows up building in Beirut in 1978, killing 120 persons, 793
Paratroop attacks on villages killing hundreds of villagers, 794
Shelling by land and sea killing hundreds, 793-795
Wanton bombing of cities, towns and villages killing thousands and demolishing thousands of buildings, 793-795
Israeli Military Operations in 1982, 795-797
Lebanese casualties in 1978 war: 1,168 killed, 50% civilians, 792
Lebanon, conspiracy against, 789-790
Mossad in charge of Israeli interference in Lebanon, 789
Neutral eyewitness testimony of Israeli War Crimes in Lebanon: Nurses, doctors, journalists, diplomats, relief workers, clergymen, and professors from Sweden, Norway, Finland, United States, Denmark, Belgium, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, France, Netherlands, Bangladesh and Cyprus, 799-801
Ninety-eight percent of Israeli caused damage in Lebanon was to civilian property; only 2% was to military property, 799
Objectives of Ariel Sharon and Rafael Eitan in 1982 war, 795
Kahan Commission confirms their object was "radically change Middle East and Israel's place in it," 795
"Operation Peace for Galilee" was name given to 1982 War of Aggression against Lebanon, 795
"Operation Peace for Galilee" is a desecration of the Biblical Galilee, 795
Rabin, Yitshak, personally directed Israeli interference in Lebanon in 1976, 789
Red Cross estimated 80% of villages and towns in South Lebanon were damaged in 1978 war, 792
Sabra and Shatila massacre, 799, 801-802, 806, 808, 808, 810, 811
Israeli authorities bear heavy legal responsibility for the massacres of Sabra and Shatila, 811
United Nations Resolutions condemning Israel's 1978 War of Aggression against Lebanon, 793
Security Council Resolution 425 (1978), 19 March, 1978, 793
United Nations Resolutions condemning Israel's War of Aggression against Lebanon, 1982, 804-808
General Assembly Resolution Es-7/5, 26 June, 1982, 806-807
General Assembly Resolution Es-7/9, 24 September, 1982, 807-808
General Assembly Resolution 37/123 D, 16 December, 1982, 808
General Assembly Resolution 37/134, 17 December, 1982, 808
Security Council Resolution 508 (1982), 5 June, 1982, 804
Security Council Resolution 509 (1982), 6 June, 1982, 805
Security Council Resolution 512 (1982), 19 June, 1982, 805
Security Council Resolution 513 (1982), 4 July, 1982, 805
Security Council Resolution 515 (1982), 29 July, 1982, 805
Security Council Resolution 521 (1982), 19 September, 1982, 805-806
United States- of America accomplice to Israeli crimes, 815
War of Aggression against Lebanon in 1978, 792-793
Carried out by Begin government, 792
Planned by Rabin government, 792
War of Aggression against Lebanon in 1982, 795-818
War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, Israel condemned by International Commission of Jurists, 809-811
Looting, Pillage, Plunder and Spoliation of Personal and Real Properties of Palestinians in Twelve Cities and Large Towns and 526 Towns and Villages from 1948-1967, 347-369
Abandoned Palestinian property made Israel viable state, 347, 369
Absentees property spoliation: Segev, 352-354
Arab towns and villages in 1948, population of each: 356-367
Arab houses and apartments in each
Arab houses and apartments usurped or destroyed in each
Arab population expelled from each
Ben-Gurion confirms robbery and rape, 347
Bernadotte, Count Folke: Confirms looting, pillage and plunder, 348
Dr. Boulous watches looting of his home, 348-349
Cizling, Aharon: Jews behaved like Nazis, 348, 350-351
Custodian of enemy property receives stolen goods, 349-351
Custodian report testifies to looting of Palestinian houses, 349-350, 369
Feurlicht, Roberta Strauss: Confirms usurpation of Palestinian lands, 353
Halaby, Naim: Witnesses looting, 348
Jewish soldiers kill, rob and rape Arabs, 347-350
Jews loot Arab homes, 348-351
Lamm, Yosef, confirms looting, 347
Lustick, Ian: Describes looting, 352-354
Palestine totals in area occupied by Israel in 1948: 158, 179, 316, 332, 369, 631, 636, 714, 998
Arab houses and apartments, 179, 316
Arab houses and apartments usurped, 158, 332
Arab population, 714, 998
Arabs expelled, 631, 636
Porat, M., custodian confirms in secret report usurpation of Arab properties, 353-354
Segev, Tom: Quotes Zionist archives on looting, 351-353
Shafrir, Dov, testifies to looting, 351-352
Shapira, Moshe: "We shall be considered thieves and compensate," 348
United Nations Resolution 181 (111) forbids looting and destruction, 353
Usurpation and destruction of Arab houses and apartments in towns, cities and villages, 354-369
Yaakobson, Yosef, suggests usurping Arab industrial plants, 350
Zureik, Elia, testifies to usurpation of Arab properties, 354
Mass Round-ups, (see Collective Punishment), 585-591
Massacres Committed by Zionists, 269-293
Dawayma massacre, 272
Soldiers fracture children's heads with sticks, 272
Testimony of an Israeli soldier about massacre of Dawayma, 272
Deir Yasin massacre, 271-272
Haganah approves Deir Yasin massacre, 271-272
Irgun and Stern offices involved in Deir Yasin massacre, 271
Kafr Kassim massacre, 276-282
Brigadier Yashishkar Shadmi orders the massacre, 281-282
District Court in Israel on Kafr Kassim massacre, file 3/37, 280-282
Jiryis, Dr. Sabri, report, 278
Judgment of District Court, 280-282
Kol Haam reports on Kafr Kassim massacre, 276-277
Major Melinki and Lieutenant Dahan guilty of Kafr Kassim massacre, 280-283
Kibya massacre, 272-276
American ammunitions used in Kibya massacre, 275
Commando Unit 101 organized by Sharon, 272-273
Jordan Ambassador report on Kibya massacre, 272-274
Security Council condemns Israel for Kibya, 274-275
Security Council debate on Kibya massacre, 274
Sharett, Moshe, condemns Kibya massacre, 276
Sharon, Ariel, responsible for Kibya massacre, 272-273
Sign, Catholic magazine, condemns Israel, 275
Western Powers' reaction to Kibya massacre, 273
King David massacre, 269-270
Attlee, Clement, British Prime Minister condemns massacre, 269-270
Ben-Gurion, David, approved King David massacre, 269
Eden, Anthony, condemns Zionist massacres, 270
Irgun and Palmach cooperate in King David massacre, 269
Irgun conceived King David massacre, 269
Libyan Boeing 727 airline massacre, 283-284
Dayan, Moshe, responsible, 284
Elazar, General David, ordered shooting down plane, 283-284
Meir, Golda, responsible, 284
Zamir, General Zvi Zamir, responsible, 284
Zeira, General Eli, responsible, 284
Sabra and Shatila massacres, 284-293
Frem, Fadi and Hobeika, Elias, coordinated entrance of killers accompanied by Israeli officers, 286
Horrors of the massacres, 291
Kahan Commission report on Sabra and Shatila massacres, 291-293
Responsibility for the massacres on Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, head of the Mossad, Ariel Sharon and Rafael Eitan, 292-293
Sabra and Shatila massacres planned by Phalangists and Israeli officers, 286-287
Yaron, General Amos, met with Hobeika and Frem to study photos of Sabra and Shatila camps, 288
Semiramis Hotel massacre, 270-271
Haganah commits Semiramis Hotel massacre, 270
U.S.S. Liberty massacre, 282-283
CIA Intelligence report, 282-283
Dayan, Moshe, ordered strafing U.S.S. Liberty, 282
Findley, Paul, recounts, U.S.S. Liberty massacre, 282-283